Customer Overview
  • 17 Minutes to read

Customer Overview

Article summary

Maxyfi provides a designated section to view all your customers and details such as due payments, contact information, invoices, workflow, etc. 

To view this, you can find the 'Customers' icon on the sidebar. Click on it and you will be able to view the customer summary

Here you will observe columns such as Customer Name, Due Amount, Overdue amount, Last Action Name, Last Action Date, etc. You can even add or remove columns to your needs by clicking on the ''Down Arrow" icon at the top extreme right.

To Search By Customer Name, select the search pane at the top left and type in the customer name you want to find.

The Apply Filters button at the top right allows you to add filters to the details you want to see/overlook. You can even create a custom filter or choose from Needs Action or Customer Stage.

To add or set a new view, click 'Select View' at the top right. Click 'Save As New View' from the drop-down menu and add a name and description. 

Click 'Enable For Organization Users' to allow the users to use the newly created view and select 'Default View' to make the new view default. Click 'Create' and you have a new view created.

Easy Assigning 

To assign the Workflow and the Relation Manager and to create Cechkin, Status, and to Pause the action easily, you can use the "Toggle Row Selection" check box which is before each customer name. 

You can also select all the customers by clicking on the "Toggle All Row Selection" check box in the header field.

Add Customer

  • You can now Add New Customers to your organization by clicking on the “Add Customer” button on the top right side next to the “Assing Data” button. 
  • A form will be displayed. In the appropriate areas, provide the Customer's name, default currency, contact information, and address. 
  • Click on the Save button. Now a new customer is successfully added to the document 

Assigning Workflow  

To assign the Workflow, you can do the following

  • Click the checkboxes for the customers to whom you wish to assign the workflow.
  • Click on the "+ Workflow" button which appears at the top.
  • Now, the Workflow Assigning tab will appear, select the workflow you want to assign to the selected customers.
  • Finally, click on the "Apply" button, and the workflow is now successfully assigned.

Assigning Relation Manager

To assign the Relation Manager, you can do the following

  • Click on the checkboxes for the customers to whom you wish to assign the relationship manager
  • Click on the "+ Relation Manager" button which appears at the top next to the + Workflow button.
  • Now, the Relation Manager assigning tab will appear, select the manager you want to assign to the selected customers.
  • Finally, click on the "Apply" button, and the Relation Manager is now successfully assigned.


There are two types of Recurring Invoices – one based on the usage of the customer and the other one is a normal recurring invoice. This Checkin option is only suitable for customers who are all availed of Usage-based recurring invoices.  

To add a Checkin date and time for a customer, do the following, 

  • Click on the checkboxes for the customers to whom you wish to add the Checkin date and time to calculate the recurring invoice value. 
  • Click on the "+ Checkin" button which appears at the top next to the + Relation Manager button. 
  • Now, the Checkin tab will appear, select the item you want to assign to the selected customers. 
  • After that, select the Checkin Date, Checkin Time, and Location from the respective columns. 
  • If you have any comments, you can enter that in the Remarks text Box. 
  • Finally, click on the "Apply" button, and the Checkin is now successfully created. 


Customer Status

With this option, you can update the status of the customer you have selected. You can add the Status like Auto, Cancelled, and even you can create a new status for your customer.

To add the Status for a customer, do the following, 

  • Click on the checkboxes for the customers to whom you wish to add the Status. 
  • Click on the "+ Status" button which appears at the top next to the + Checkin button. 
  • Now, the Status tab will appear, select the customer status from the available option like Auto or Cancelled, or just create your own status. 
  • After that, if you have any comments, you can enter that in the Comment or Remarks text Box. 
  • Finally, click on the "Apply" button, and the Status is now successfully added to the customers you have selected. 


Pause Action

You can pause the workflow for any customers you have selected.  


To pause the workflow action for a customer, do the following, 

  • Click on the checkboxes for the customers to whom you wish to add the pause the workflow. 
  • Click on the "+ Pause" button which appears at the top next to the + Status button. 
  • Now, the Pause tab will appear, enter the reason for pausing the workflow. 
  • After that, you can also select the date till which the workflow should be paused. 
  • If you have any comments, you can enter that in the User Comments text Box. 
  • Finally, click on the "Apply" button, and the workflow is now successfully paused for the customers you have selected. 

Assigning Data Manually

You can also assign the Workflow and the Relation Manager manually if you find it difficult to select and assign from a huge customer list. To manually assign the Workflow and the Relation Manager, you can do the following

  • Click on the "Assign Data" button in the top right corner of your screen. 
  • A dropdown will appear with the options Download Customer Data, Download Workflow List Data, Download Relation Manager List, and Upload Data.
  • From the dropdown, you can download your Customer Data, Workflow actions list, and the Relation manager list available on the application.
  • The data will be downloaded in the CSV format from which you can view, edit and assign the workflow and relationship manager manually and save the data.
  • After saving the data, navigate back to the application and select the 4th option "Upload Data".
  • Now your modified data will be successfully uploaded to the application. 

Customer Overview 

To view the details such as invoices or add payments or take new actions for a particular customer, click the respective customer name. You can now get an overview of all the details of the customer.

There is a section pane on the top that has an outline of the customer's due payments and total amount as well as last actions, invoices, a timeline of actions, workflow, diary notes, and payments

On the right section, the pane is the contact details of the customer.

Customer Payment Details 

You can view the following details such as:

Total Amount: The total amount of all the invoices.

Due Amount: The due amount of the invoices.

Overdue Amount: The overdue amount of the invoices

These details can help you to add payments accordingly, as well as guide you to take quick action.

You can also view the Unapplied Credit which refers to the credits that haven't been applied to an invoice but also don't reduce the amount that is yet to be paid by the customer. 

There are other features as well such as Relation ManagerWorkflow, Customer Portal Link, Pause Customer Action, Quick Actions (QA), and Add Diary Note.

The Pause Customer Action allows you to hold the workflow action until required. You can mention the reason for the hold as well as the date you want to hold the action up to. 

Once you click Resume Now, your workflow will be back to schedule. 

Customer Contact Details  

Click '+' to add contact details. Fill in the required fields: First Name and Role

You can add either a phone number or email or both. Add an address if needed and click 'Save'. You can now view the saved contact details in their designated section. 

To edit or delete the contact details, click the respective icons provided at the top right of the Contact section.


To view all the invoices of the customer, click the 'Invoices' section on the screen.

You can then view an overview with all the invoice details such as Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Due Date, Due Days, and Status. 

If you want to view only the due invoices, click on 'Due' at the top left of the pane. Similarly, to view only the overdue invoices, you can click on 'Overdue'. You'll be able to view only the invoices of the respective status you have chosen.

You can also search for an invoice by using the 'Search Invoices' search box at the top right of the Invoices section.

Create Invoice

You can also generate your own invoice by clicking on the "Add Invoice" button next to the Invoice Search option. This button allows you to choose between Recurring or Normal Invoices. 

Once you select the invoice type, you'll be navigated to the Invoice Generation page, where you can create your own Invoice. After filling in all the required columns, click on the "Save" button. Now your new invoice will be successfully added in the Invoices tab. 

Edit Invoice

You can also edit the invoice by clicking on the "Edit" button on the right end of each invoice.  

Once you click on the edit button, the edit invoice tab will appear on the screen, where you can edit the Invoice Number, Invoice Issue Date, Invoice Due Date, and Invoice Amount. After filling in all the required columns, click on the "Save" button. Now your invoice is successfully edited.


The timeline provides a detailed outline of all the actions that have been taken. You can view the icon and date of the action taken as well as details of the action.

To get only an overview of a particular action, select the respective action from the options provided at the top. For example, if you want to view only the email actions, select 'Email' and you'll get an overview of all the email actions taken.

You can also arrange the timeline in ascending or descending order of time the action was taken by clicking on the "Arrange" button at the top right.

Workflow Actions

You can assign a workflow by clicking on the "+ Assign Workflow" button in the Actions tab. You can also find the "Quick Actions" button in the top right corner where you can perform any immediate actions if needed. 



In the "Actions" tab, you can find the overall view of the workflow for the customer you have selected. 

You can assign and remove the workflow, and you can skip any actions or you can take any quick actions if needed. 


In the Actions tab, at the top, you can find the Workflow option where you can assign a new workflow. Next to that tab, you can find the  "symbol by which you can delete the assigned workflow.


You can either go with the planned actions or you can take immediate action by clicking on the "Quick Actions (QA)" button on the top right corner of the screen. 


Quick Actions (QA)

In the Quick Actions (QA) tab, you can find 8 (eight) options in which you can contact or make a change to your workflow for that particular customer. 

You can also change the view of the "Quick Actions" tab by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the quick actions tab.

1.  Manual Call  

If you click on the "Manual Call" option, the application will direct you to the "Manual Call" tab in which you can select the receiver to whom you are going to make the call. You can also select the response of the customer whether he promises to pay, said to call later, or a meeting request, dispute, or an Unsuccessful call. Whatever may be the response, you can select it from the Call Outcome options. If he/she promises the payment, it can also be noted in the "Promise Type", "Promise Amount" and "Promise Date" options. 


You can "Hold Workflow Till Promise Date", "Send Confirmation Message" and "Send Promise Followups" by clicking on the checkboxes.

You can also add a comment to the user who is going to make the call. After entering the details, click the "Save" button. If you want to quit the action, you can press the "Cancel" button in the bottom right corner of your screen.


2.  SMS   

In this tab, you can send a quick Adhoc SMS to that customer other than the actions planned in the workflow. 


You can choose an SMS template from the predefined or saved templates from the "Choose Template" text bar and you can select the customer from the "Recipients" text bar. 


In the "SMS Content" box, you can enter whatever text you need to send to that particular customer.


In the "User Comment" box, you can enter the instructions you need from the user.

Once done, you can click the "Save" button, otherwise, you can close this tab by clicking on the "Cancel" button.


3.  Email   

In this tab, you can send a quick Email to that customer. You can choose an Email template from the predefined or saved templates from the "Choose Template" text bar and you can select the customer from the "Recipients" text bar. 


You can also add another person who can also receive this mail in the "CC" and "BCC" text boxes below the "Recipients" text box. These two fields are not mandatory.

You can enter the subject in the "Subject" text box and the content in the text box below the Subject text box. 


You can also add files to this mail by clicking on the "Files" button on the bottom least corner of your screen. 


After finishing, click on the "Save" button to save and click on the "Cancel" button if you want to close this tab. 


4.  Dispute  

In this tab, you can enter the dispute raised by the customer in the "Dispute" text box and the details of that dispute in the "Details" text box. In the "Dispute Type" option box, you can select the type of the raised dispute. 


You can select the review date for the dispute in the "Review Date" option box and the status of the conflict can be selected from the "Review status" option box. 


You can select the disputed invoice in the "Select Dispute Invoice" button. You can see the Invoice Number, Issue Date, Due Date, and Invoice Amount in the table given below. 

Any instructions for the user can be entered in the "User Comments" text box.



Click the "Save" button to save the changes made and click on the "Cancel" button to close the dispute tab.


5. WhatsApp  

Once you click on this option, the "WhatsApp" menu will appear. 

In this tab, you can send a quick WhatsApp message to your customer. You can choose a WhatsApp template from the predefined or saved templates from the "Template" text bar and you can select the customer from the "Recipients" text bar.

After finishing, click on the "Send" button to send the WhatsApp message or click on the "Cancel" button if you want to close this tab.

6. Pause Action  

Once you click on this option, the "Pause Action" menu will appear. 

In this tab, you can select the reason for holding the workflow from the "Pause Reason" option box and the date for the hold action can be selected from the option box given below the Pause Reason option box. Any instructions to the user in the "User Comment" box. Click the "Save" button to save the changes made and click on the "Cancel" button to close the dispute tab.


7. Review Promise   

In this tab, you can make a quick review of the promises made by the customer. 



Click on the "back" button in the top left corner to go back to the Actions page.


You can get an overview of all the payments of the customer herewith columns such as Date, Amount, Method, Status, Expected Date, Audit, or Comments & Remarks. 

You can also add or remove columns by clicking on the '+' icon at the extreme right.

1. Add Payment 

To add a payment, click 'Add Payment' from the 'Payments' pane. Enter the required details: Payment Date, CCY, and Payment Amount. 

Add the other details such as Payment Method, Payment Reference, Payment Status, Expected Payment Date, and Comments or Remarks if needed. You can even allocate the payments to selected invoices. 

Click 'Save' to add the payment.

Important Actions 

In the top right corner of the Actions tab, you will see two buttons: "Hold Action" and "Skip Action". If you press the Hold Action button, a hold action popup will appear as we saw earlier. 


1. Skip Action  

If you press the "Skip Action" button, a popup will appear. 

In the popup, you will see the "Reason To Skip" text box. In that text box, you need to enter the reason for skipping the action. 


Skipping the action will not affect the workflow. If an action is skipped, the application will look for the previous action that took place and calculate the due period, and will assign the next action on that day. 


2. Pause Action 

You can find the "Pause Action" button on the top right corner of your screen next to the Quick Action button. You can pause the workflow whenever you needed.


To pause the workflow, you need to do the following

  • Enter the reason in the "Pause Reason check box.
  • Next, select the date in the "Pause Action on this customer till" you want the workflow to be paused.
  • In the User Comment box, give any comments or remarks for your future reference.

You can also select the type of notification from the options "Informational""Alert" and "Critical" given below. After finishing these setups, you can select "Capture" to proceed or "Cancel" to exit the Add Diary Notes tab.

Dairy Notes 

You can add Diary Notes such as remarks by clicking on "provided at the bottom right or 'Add Diary Note' in the left pane next to 'Quick Actions (QA)'. 

Click 'Enable Alert and Follow Up' if you want to categorize your note and give a follow-up date for it. 

You can also choose from any of these three types: Informational, Alert, and Critical so the note appears important and stays at the top right until deleted.

Click 'Capture' to save the diary note.

To edit or delete the diary note, click the respective icons provided at the bottom right of the note.

Document Management System 

You can add any documents related to the customer follow-up by clicking on the "Add Document" button provided at the top right next to the Add Notes button. 

This Document Management System can help you with customer follow-ups by reducing the time you spend searching for related documents.

Another advantage of this Document Management System is that you can upload and store the document for each customer independently. When you use another system for unscheduled monitoring, you don't need to wander anywhere else as all documents are uploaded and saved.

Next Action 

In this tab, you can select the type of the next action from the "Next Action Type" option box and the date for that action from the "Next Action Date" option box. 

By clicking on the check box below the option box, you can Skip the Workflow action till the next action date. You can also add comments or instructions to the user in the "User Comments" box.  Click on "Save" to proceed or click "Cancel"

Customer Portal  

The extensive customer portal provides many features for your customers that you can enable or disable to your needs.

1. Authentication 

If you enable the Authentication option, your customer has to clear a verification step to log into their customer portal. If you disable the Authentication option, your customer can directly access their customer portal without any verifications or authentication steps. 

2. Invoice

If you enable this invoice option, the customer can view their due and overdue invoices. Also, you can decide whether the customer can download their invoice by clicking on the check box. 

If you want to display the Paid invoices to the customers, you can click on the check box. If you disable this invoice option, no invoice tab will be seen on the customer's portal. 

3. Credit Note 

If you've raised any credit notes for the customers, you can enable that option. You can also allow displaying the "Fully Adjusted Credit Notes". If you want, you can disable this option so that no credit note option will be shown. 

4. Payment  

Only after the Payment details are configured, you can enable or disable the customer portal. Once you enable this option, your customer can make payments through their portal.

  1. Pay All Dues - If you want your customer to pay all the dues, click on the check box. 

  2. Pay Overdue - If you want your customer to pay only the over-dues, click on the check box. 

  3. Ad hoc Payment - If you want your customer to pay any specific amount, click on the respective check box. 

5. Call Back Days

By enabling this option, your customer will be able to call you back when they login to their portal. 

  1. Call Back Days - You can specify the days on which they can make a callback. They can choose a day between Monday to Sunday. 

  2. Call Back Duration - You can specify the duration within which the customer should call you back. You can select between 1 Day, 2 Days, 1 Week, and 2 Weeks. 

  3. Start Time, End Time - You can restrict the time between which the customer should reach you, by selecting the "Start" and "End" options.

6. Request Payment Time 

If you enable this option, the customer can request time to pay back their dues and over dues. 

  1. Payment Amount Restriction - With this option you can choose whether your customer should pay their Due Amount or the Full Amount.

  2. Maximum Payment Extension - This option will restrict the time they can request to pay back their dues. They can request for extension of time for 1 day, 2 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, or 2 months. 

  3. Minimum Payment Percentage - Also, you can specify the minimum percentage up to which they can request payment of the money.

Once you complete all these set-ups, click "Save". 


1. Why am getting "Package Limit Reached! Upgrade your Subscription to review customer records" 

This is shown as the Package you are currently in entitles you to limited usage and the same has been exhausted. Like Start package allows 100 Active Customers and if you have more than 100 records, then the application will display the message for the additional records. To view the detailed Features and entitlement of each package visit

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