User Profile
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User Profile

Article summary

In the sidebar, you can find the user Profile where you can have your basic details like your First Name, Last Name, Contact number and Email, Department, etc.



In the profile column, you can edit your "First NameLast Name, and your Contact Phone". But you can't change or edit your "Business Email" ID as it is your login ID. 


Password Settings  

You can reset your Password and your Profile in this tab. 

1. Reset Profile

If you want to reset your profile, you can click on the "Reset Profile" button. You will see a confirmation tab from which you can confirm to reset the profile. 

2. Reset the Password

You have been using your account for a long period and forgot your password. You can now easily change it in the "Password Setting" column. Once you click the "Reset Password", you will see a confirmation tab from which you can confirm to reset the password. After clicking on the "Reset" button, a confirmation mail will be sent to the respected email ID with a new password. After receiving that, you can change your password by entering the password you have received through the mail in the "Current Password" box and the new password in the "New Password" box.

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