Organization Settings
  • 17 Minutes to read

Organization Settings

Article summary

In the settings tab, you can find the Organization Settings, where you can set up your Account. 


General and Application Preference 

In this part, you can upload your organization's logo for more specifications. Also, you can update the Name, EIN Number, and Default Currency, that you've entered while registering. You can also add the Industry Sector and Organization URL which is optional.



After filling in all these details, click "Save" to save the changes you've made. 


Contact Details 

Here, you can update the Contact Person's Name, Contact Person's Phone Number, Contact Person's Email ID, and Address of your organization. 

Select the "Start Time" and "End Time" of your organization, so that your customers can reach you within that specified period. Once you click "Save", all the changes you've made have been saved and updated. 


Payment Details 

In the "Payment Details" tab, you can set up the complete payment information of the organization. 


1. Add Payment 

Offline Payment

You can enable the bank payment by doing the following steps 

  • Click on the "+ Add Payment" button. 
  • Enter the "Bank Name" for the reference of your customers.
  • Enter a small hint to help your customer and this is optional.
  • Select the payment method. Eg., Offline Payment
  • Now, Upload the Logo of the bank for your customer reference.
  • After that, select the Currency type to which you want to add. 
  • Add the Payment Information. (Eg., the account information that your customers want to see. You can add as much as possible.)
  • Finally, give payment instructions to help your customer make the payment and what to do after making the payment.

Online Payment (Stripe)

You can enable online payment by doing the following steps 

  • Click on the "+ Add Payment" button. 
  • Enter the "Bank Name" for the reference of your customers.
  • Enter a small hint to help your customer and this is optional.
  • Select the payment method. Eg., Online Payment
  • After that, select the Currency type to which you want to add. 
  • Now, select the Payment Gateway you want. Eg., Stripe.

Steps to get the API Keys 

  • If you have a Stripe Account, log in to your Stripe Account and navigate to Stripe Account Settings > API Keys.
  • There will be two API Keys "Secret Key" and "Publishable key".
  • From that, copy the Secret API Key and paste it into the Secret Key text box on the Maxyfi screen. 
  • Click on the Save button and now your Stripe Payment Gateway is successfully integrated with Maxyfi.

If you are new, just do the following steps 

  • Go to and click on the "Start Now" button on the Home Page. 
  • After that enter your Email Address, Full Name, Country Name, and Password.
  • Then, you will be navigated to a page where you need to provide your Business Information like Business Structure, Personal Details, and Bank details.
  • Now, your account is activated and you can continue the steps that are mentioned above to fetch the Secret API Key.

Online Payment (Razorpay)

You can enable online payment by doing the following step

  • Click on the "+ Add Payment" button. 
  • Enter the "Bank Name" for the reference of your customers.
  • Enter a small hint to help your customer and this is optional.
  • Select the payment method. Eg., Online Payment
  • After that, select the Currency type to which you want to add. 
  • Now, select the Payment Gateway you want. Eg., Razorpay.
  • Enter the Key ID and Secret Key if you've selected the Razorpay payment portal.
  • Login to your Razorpay Dashboard with the appropriate credentials. 

If you are new to Razor pay, just do the following steps 

  • Go to and click on the "Get Started" button on the home page. 
  • After that enter your Contact Details, Platform Details, Business Type, PAN Details, and Communication Details
  • To get started, enter your Mobile Number for OTP verification. 
  • Enter the received OTP and click on the Submit OTP button.
  • Enter your name and click on the Continue button.
  • After adding these details, select where you want the payments to be accepted. 
  • If you have selected Website/App, add the respected link and click on the Continue button. If not, click on Add Later button at the bottom. 
  • After providing those details, select Continue.
  • Enter your PAN Details and click on the Continue button. 
  • After that, your screen will show you the name associated with the PAN Number, click on the "Yes, Confirm" button to verify your name.
  • The rest is all the basic info that you need to fill in carefully. 
  • After completing all these steps, you are now ready to accept payments from your Razorpay Account.

Steps to fetch the API Keys 

  • Now you have a Razorpay account. Login to your Dashboard with the appropriate credentials. 
  • Slecet between the "Test" or "Live" mode for which you want to generate the API Keys.
  • Your customers will not be able to make payments in Test Mode. 
  • When your integration is completed, switch it to the Live Mode and generate Live Mode, API Keys
  • Navigate to Web & App Settings > Account & Settings > API Keys
  • The Key ID and Key Secret will appear on a pop-up screen.
  • Copy that and paste it into your Maxyi Payment Integration screen.

Online Payment (MPESA)

You can enable online payment by doing the following steps 

  • Click on the "+ Add Payment" button. 
  • Enter the "Bank Name" for the reference of your customers.
  • Enter a small hint to help your customer and this is optional.
  • Select the payment method. Eg., Online Payment
  • After that, select the Currency type to which you want to add. 
  • Now, select the Payment Gateway you want. Eg., MPESA.
  • If you've selected MPESA, you've to enter your Business Short Code, Passkey, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret in the respective textbox.
  • Finally, you can receive payments as you have successfully integrated MPESA with your Maxyfi account.

(Note: Customers with the same currency type you've entered can only be able to view the bank and make the payment) 

(Note: Customers with the same currency type you've entered can only be able to view the bank and make the payment) 

2. Edit Payment Details  

You can View, Edit, and Delete the payment details you've added. The view option can be used for your reference and verification of whether you've given the correct information.

3. Enable and Disable the Payment Details  

You can Enable and Disable the payment details you've added by using the Toggle Switch at the right corner of your payment detail.


4. View Audit 

You can also audit the changes you've made to the payment details or your relation managers. Once you click on the "Save" button after updating the payment details, the process, time, date, and the name of the user who made the changes will be viewed on the "View Audit" option to add your payment details.  


Customer Portal 

Our dedicated customer portal helps you to enable and disable many features that your customer can avail themselves of. 

Customize Portal 

1. Authentication 

If you enable the Authentication option, your customer has to clear a verification step to log in to their customer portal. If you disable the Authentication option, your customer can directly access their customer portal without any verifications or authentication steps. 

2. Invoice

If you enable this invoice option, the customer can view their due and overdue invoices. Also, you can decide whether the customer can download their invoice by clicking on the check box. 

If you want to display the Paid invoices to the customers, you can click on the check box. If you disable this invoice option, no invoice tab will be seen on the customer's portal. 

3. Credit Note 

If you've raised any credit notes for the customers, you can enable that option. You can also allow displaying the "Fully Adjusted Credit Notes". If you want, you can disable this option so that no credit note option will be shown. 

4. Payment 

Only after the Payment details are configured, you can enable or disable the customer portal. Once you enable this option, your customer can make payments through their portal.


  1. Pay All Dues - If you want your customer to pay all the dues, click on the check box. 

  2. Pay Overdue - If you want your customer to pay only the over-dues, click on the check box. 

  3. Ad hoc Payment - If you want your customer to pay any specific amount, click on the respective check box. 


5. Call Back Days

By enabling this option, your customer will be able to call you back when they login to their portal. 

  1. Call Back Days - You can specify the days they can make a callback. They can choose a day between Monday to Sunday. 

  2. Call Back Duration - You can specify the duration within which the customer should call you back. You can select between 1 Day, 2 Days, 1 Week, and 2 Weeks. 

  3. Start Time, End Time - You can restrict the time between which the customer should reach you, by selecting the "Start" and "End" options. 


6. Request Payment Time 

If you enable this option, the customer can request time to pay back their dues and over-dues. 


  1. Maximum Payment Extension - This option will restrict the time they can request to pay back their dues. They can request for extension of time for 1 day, 2 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, or 2 months. 

  1. Payment Amount Restriction - With this option, you can choose whether your customer should pay their Due Amount or the Full Amount.

  1. Percentage - Also, you can specify the percentage up to which they can request payment of the money.

Once you complete all these set-ups, click on "Save". 

Customize UI


1. Choose Your Logo 

If you choose and enable your Logo in the portal, it will create extra personalization which in case builds trust among your customers. 

2. Choose a Header and Primary color 

If you choose the header and Primary color as the same as or related to your logo, it will be more personalized and your customers will easily identify that the portal is from a trusted site (your company). 

SMS Gateway   

You have to configure your outbound SMS settings to send messages to your customers and this will help your customers identify the SMS being delivered from a known account.

To set up your SMS Gateway, 

  1. Before you do the SMS Gateway setting and if you are new to Twilio, visit 

  2. Enter your first name in the "First Name" column.

  3. Enter your last name in the "Last Name" column.

  4. Enter your business mail ID in the "Email" column.

  5. Enter a new password in the "Password" column.

  6. After that, you have to verify both your Business Email ID and your Mobile Number.

  7. After the verification is done, you will be logged into your Twilio home page where you can find your Account SID and Auth Token

  8. On top of that, you can find the "Get a Twilio phone number" button. Click that button and your Twilio phone number will also be generated. 

  9. Take the three details (Account SID, Auth Token, and Twilio Phone Number) and paste them into the appropriate text box at SMS Gateway Settings > Organization Settings > Maxyfi. Save the settings to reflect.

Two-way SMS Configuration   

The Two-way SMS Configuration feature allows your end customer to Reply to your SMS Follow-up and Reminders when they receive them. As soon as you configure your Outbound SMS Settings, this feature will automatically be enabled to make your Follow-ups even more powerful so you can make your Follow-ups as effective as possible.

Outbound Email Settings 

You have to configure your outbound email settings to send emails to your customers. By default, the outbound email will be Maxyfi Email. Any emails received by your customer will have your Business Email as CC and you don't have to add that manually. 


If you want your Business Email to be your outbound Email, you can add your Business Email by clicking on the "+ Add Business Email" option below the Maxyfi Email. Then, select your outbound Email SMTP method. 

Once you fill in all these details, click on "Validate" to check whether the points you've filled in are valid. Then click on "Save" to save the configuration.  

SMTP Setting 

You want to verify your domain in Maxyfi to send invoice reminders and follow-ups straight from your business email. If not, your email will be marked as spam. 


  1. Log onto your Maxyfi account and select "Organization Setting".

  2. In that, go to "Outbound Email Setting" 

  3. Click on the "Business Email" check box to configure your email to your Maxyfi account. 

  4. Enter your name in the "User Name" column.

  5. Enter your password in the "Password" column.

  6. Enter the hostname of your email service provider in the "Host Name" column. Eg: Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

  7. Every host will have a specific port number, and this can even be found on Google. Enter the port number in the "Port" column. Eg: Outlook-993, Gmail-465.

  8. After that, click on the "Email Secure with SSL/TLS" check box, to assure your customers that you are sending the emails to them.

  9. After that, Click on the "Save Configuration" button, and your business email will be ready.  

To get the details of Domain, Host, Port, and SSL/TLS, you first need to identify your email service provider like office365, AOL, Gmail, etc. Once you find your Provider, search for "Outbound SMTP settings" for your Provider. You will be able to find the required configuration details from the results which you can use to configure.

Alternatively, you may find the required settings for your provider by visiting get mail bird.

DNS Setting 

Using Maxyfi's DNS settings, you can send invoice reminders and follow-ups straight from the user's email linked to the verified domain. If not, your email will be marked as spam. The following steps will explain the steps in brief. 


  1. Log onto your Maxyfi account and select "Organization Setting".
  2. In that, go to "Outbound Email Setting" 
  3. Click on the "Business Email" check box to configure your email to your Maxyfi account. 
  4. Enter your domain name in the "Domain Name" section.
  5. Click on the "Generate Domain" button.
  6. Now, you can see the "CNAMEs" generated which you need to verify.
  7. Now, Login to your DNS Provider and go to Edit DNS
  8. Select Add option to add new records. 
  9. There you can copy the CNAME Records generated in your Maxyfi screen and paste the records here. 
  10. After adding the records successfully, click on the "Add Records" button to save your new CNAME Records to your DNS Provider. (This procedure slightly varies according to your DNS Provider)
  11. And thennavigate back to the Maxyfi screen and click on the "Verify" button. 
  12. Your DNS records have been successfully created and added to your DNS provider.

Automation Settings   

You have to configure your Automation settings to personalize your follow-ups. 

You can switch On and Off both your Email and SMS automation for sending customer and invoice-level follow-ups.

1. Additional Setting 

In this section, you can choose the conditions you want to apply for your automated follow-ups.

In this section, you can

  1. Start and Stop customer follow-ups when there are no overdue invoices for the customer. 

  2. Start and Stop customer automated follow-ups when the outstanding balance is below the entered value. For this, you need to enter the minimum balance in the amount section.

2. Time Setting 

In this section, you can configure the working days and the time when you want your customers to receive automated follow-ups.

  1. You can select the time in the "Time Section" for sending the automated follow-ups. 

  2. You can select the working days of the week in the "Days Section" for sending automated follow-ups.

Subscription Plan

Here, you can see the current plan you're using. You can also add credits by clicking on "Add Credit". 

Default Configuration 

In the "Default Configuration" tab, you can set up the Automated Follow-up Execution for all the customers. 

 You can assign the 

  • default Relation Manager,
  • default Workflow Action, and
  • the default Credit Limit, Credit Limit Warning, and Credit Limit Breach in %. 

Once you personalize your automated follow-ups execution, the Workflow, Relation Manager, and Credit Limit will be assigned for all the customer data in the application. You can also edit the credit limit personally for each customer in the Customer Overview section. 

In the customer overview section, you can see the above section at the top of your screen. In that section, you can manually edit the credit limit for the particular customer. 

If the credit limit is still valued, the Credit Limit Warning shows "Good", or else the Credit Limit Warning shows "Warning".

Once your customer's credit limit is breached, the Credit Limit "Breached" warning sign will appear with the percentage. 


You can also view the warnings in the "Needs Action" tab in the dashboard.

Promise To Pay the Default 

In this section, you can capture the values to default for every promise-to-pay action. You can capture

  • Pause workflow till promised date
  • Send confirmation message
  • Send a Promise follow-up message

Call Back Later Default 

In this section, you can capture the values to default for call back later request. You can capture

  • Pause workflow till promised date
  • Send confirmation message
  • Send a Promise follow-up message

Call Unsuccessful Default 

In this section, you can capture the values to default for an unsuccessful call. You can capture

  • Pause workflow till call back date
  • Send confirmation message

Cloud Telephony 

In the "Cloud Telephony" tab, you can make your customer call follow-ups better than before. This allows you to make calls from the System directly and also connect to your mobile phone.

To set up your Cloud Telephony call follow-up, 

  1. Navigate to Cloud Telephony in the Organization Setting

  2. Select the provider you want. Eg. Twilio Web

  3. Enter your "Account SID" in the respective column as fetched from Twilio -> Console Home -> Account Info -> Account SID

  4. Enter your "Auth Token" in the respective column as fetched from Twilio -> Console Home -> Account Info -> Auth Token

  5. Enter your "TwiML App SID" in the respective column as fetched from Twilio -> Phone Numbers -> Manage -> TwiML Apps -> Create New TwiML Apps By Giving a Friendly name, Request URL as "" and Copy the TwiML App SID once saved.

  6. Enter your "Api Key - SID" in the respective column as fetched from Twilio -> Account(Top Menu) -> Keys & Credentials -> API Keys & Tokens -> Create API Key -> Give a Friendly Name like "Maxyfi App Calling" and Press Create. Copy the SID created to this field Value

  7. Enter your "Api Key - Secret" in the respective column as fetched from Twilio -> Account(Top Menu) -> Keys & Credentials -> API Keys & Tokens -> Create API Key -> Give a Friendly Name like "Maxyfi App Calling" and Press Create. Copy the Secret created to this field Value

  8. Finally, enter the phone number purchased in the "Phone Number" column and click on the Save button.

Now that you've configured Twilio Cloud Telephony, you can enjoy the benefits of the feature. During the Call, you will get the option to make 

  1. Web Call - When web call is enabled, you will be able to use your Desktop/Laptop to have a conversation with the Debtors.
  2. Cloud Telephony - When Web Call is Disabled, The Call will get initiated to the number provided in the user profile

WhatsApp Automation 

In the "WhatsApp" tab, you can make your customer call follow-ups better than before. 

To set up WhatsApp for your business, first, you need to have a verified Facebook Business Manager Account. If you have one, you can skip to Step 3. If you don’t, kindly follow the steps and create one. 


Step 1: Create a Facebook Business Manager Account

To create a Facebook business manager account, you need to own a personal Facebook account and the account identity must be confirmed.  

Follow the steps to create a Facebook Business Manager Account

  • Go to and click on “Create an account”. 
  • Enter your name, Email address, and a name for your business (please use the same email address that you’ve used in your account).
  • Click on the “Submit” button after entering the details.
  • Confirm your email address and your Facebook Business Manager Account is ready to go.


Step 2: Verify your Business Manager's Account 

Verifying your Business Manager Account is important to proceed to the further steps. Follow the steps to check whether your account is verified or not.  

  1. 1. Go to Settings > Business Info > Business Verification Details. 
  1. 2. After that, click on “View Details” for more information about why your Facebook Business Account is not verified. 
  1. 3. Click on “Start Verification” and click on the “Get Started” button to start the verification process.  
  1. 4. Usually, it’ll take 2 days to complete the verification. 
  1. 5. You can track the verification status in the Security Center. 
  1. 6. If your Business Manager Account is verified, you can see the Verified status in the Business Info tab. 

Step 3: Configure WhatsApp in Maxyfi

To configure WhatsApp in Maxyfi, follow the steps given below:

  1. First, log in to your  Facebook Business Manager Account  and go to Settings > Business Info 
  2. There you can see Temporary User Access Token (expires in 24 hours), WhatsApp Business Account ID, and Phone Number ID.
  3. If you wish to create a Permanent Access Token, go to the Dashboard > Users > System User.
  4. Click on the "+ Add" button.
  5. Now, create the System User by naming it, choosing Admin as the User Role, and clicking Create System User.
  6. Then, select the whatsapp_business_messaging & whatsapp_business_management permission.
  7. Click Generate New Token and your Permanent Token has been successfully generated.
  8. Copy the credentials and log in to your Maxyfi account.
  9. Navigate to WhatsApp in the Organization Setting 
  10. Select the provider you want. Eg. WhatsApp Cloud.
  11. Enter your "User Access Token" in the respective column.
  12. Enter your "WhatsApp Business Account ID" in the respective column.
  13. Finally, enter your contact number in the "Phone Number ID" column and click on the Save button.

Now that you've configured WhatsApp Follow-up, you can enjoy the benefits of the feature.


Tax Rate Maintenance 

As you can see in the image below, in the “Tax Rate Maintenance” tab, you can set up and maintain the tax rates used to generate invoices. 


To set up the tax rate, do the following, 

  • Click on the “Add Tax Rate Maintenance” button on the top right corner of the screen, a popup will appear. 
  • Select the type of tax. (e.g.) TDS or TCS. 
  • Enter the Name of the Tax in the “Name” column. 
  • After that enter the Tax Rate and Nature of Tax in the respective columns. 
  • Once completed, click on the “Save” button, and your new Tax Rate Maintenance is added successfully. 

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