- 5 Minutes to read
Communication Templates
- 5 Minutes to read
Communication Templates:
Maxyfi provides you with templates to customize the emails that are automatically sent to customers. Click on to the "Communication Templates Tab" to get your pre-loaded templates for the dunning process.
Here, you can use either the existing pre-defined SMS, and E-mail templates that have been loaded, or you can create new templates based on your needs.
You can see the templates you've modified recently, by selecting the "Last Modified Tab".
In the "Most Used Tab", you can find the communication templates that you've used frequently to follow up on your customers.
We've also provided the filter to view only SMS templates, E-mail Templates, or All templates so that you can find your templates accordingly.
In the Communication tab, you can have an overall view of the dunning templates. By clicking the "Eye Icon" on each template you can view them. You can search for your templates by Name or descriptions too.
Also, you can choose the number of rows you can view on a page. This will decide how many pages you have on the communication tab.
Add Template:
If you're interested in creating new communication templates, click on "Add Template", which you can find on the landing page of Communication Template.
When you click on "Add Template" the below pop will appear.
Template Type - By clicking on "Template Type" you'll get a dropdown, where you can select which type of template you would like to create - SMS or Email.
Template Name - Provide a meaningful name for your template. This name will be displayed on the other parts of the application like the Workflow and Actions tab.
Template Description - You can also provide a description of your dunning template for an easier previewing experience.
Template Organization - Select the name of your organization and click "Create". You can add multiple organizations here.
After completing this process, you can create the content for your Email and SMS by following the below instructions.
1. Email Templates
Here is what Maxyfi's effective Email templates will look like. You can make any changes to this template.
Edit The Subject :
If you want to send a dedicated subject line to your customer, you can add them in the "Subject" space. By entering "@", you can add any variables on the subject.
Select the Language:
Located on the top right of your screen, you can find the "Language" button. You can use this button to choose the language in which you created your template, and this feature is specifically for "WhatsApp Templates".
Edit The Body :
Maxyfi offers you multiple options to edit the text in your email. Once you click the edit option, you'll find all the options to enhance your text.
You can,
Change the font style
Add Headings
Increase or decrease the font size
Highlight the text
Bold the text
Add Italics
Underline the text
Align the text
Also, you can attach any type of file if needed.
2. SMS Templates
The following is an example of Maxyfi's SMS templates. This template can be modified as you wish.
SMS Formatting :
In the SMS, you can add place-overs that are listed on your left. Also, you can add the place overs in the text by entering, "@".
If you add the customer details, the "Event Tag" on the top changes accordingly. Once your template is added to a particular tag, you can find that template in that Action automatically.
For example,
If you add Customer variables to the text, the event tag changes to #Customer. You can find that particular template only on Customer Level Actions.
If you add organization variables to the text, the event tag changes to #organization. You can find that template only on Organization level actions.
If you click on the three dots, you can edit the name and description of that SMS Reminder.
3. WhatsApp Templates
Here is what Maxyfi's effective WhatsApp templates will look like. You can make any changes to this template.
Select The Category:
If you want to send a dedicated WhatsApp message to your customer, you need to select that category type first.
Edit The Header:
If you want to send a dedicated Header line to your customer, you can add them in the "Header" space. By entering "@", you can add any variables on the subject.
Edit The Body :
Maxyfi offers you multiple options to edit the text in your WhatsApp message. Once you click the edit option, you'll find all the options to enhance your text.
Edit The Footer:
You can edit the footer in the "Footer" check box and set up any button in the "Call-to-action" you want your customers to respond with.
Add Variables
Template placeholders help Maxyfi receive accurate information from your accounting system. You can learn more about a placeholder by hovering over it in the list on the left.
We offer you multiple variables at the Organization level and Customer level. You can click on the "+" near the variables and add them to your email body. You can filter the variables at Organizational Level and Customer Levels. Or you can just enter "@" and get a suggestion list of all the variables.
Publish & Draft
Once you complete your template, click on to save.
If you select "Publish", your template will be saved and you can find that template in the suggestions on the Workflow Tab and Actions Tab.
If you select "Save as draft", your template will be saved in the draft, and that template will not be found in the suggestions on the Workflow Tab and Actions Tab.
However, you can find all the templates [Published, Drafts, and Disabled] on the Communication Templates Tab.
You can also see the "Date and Time" communication template has been created.
Edit Templates
You can edit and customize the communication templates that have been pre-loaded as per your needs. Click on the "Pencil Icon" to edit the templates that have been pre-loaded for you.
Copy Templates
Also, you can copy the existing template by clicking on " Copy Icon", so that you need not spend time creating a new template. Once you copy the template, give a meaningful name to it so that you won't get confused.
Delete Templates
You can also delete the template if you feel they are irrelevant to your organization's needs. To delete a template, click on "X". Once you delete a template, it will be deleted permanently and you cannot retrieve it.
Disable Templates
If you want to disable the templates temporarily, you need to click on the "Disable button", so that your templates are disabled for a particular period. You can enable and use those templates whenever it's needed.
Once you disable a template, it will not appear on the Workflow Tab and Actions Tab.